Refund Policy


While we do our best to make your shopping experience with a pleasant one, things sometimes do not happen as planned. Please make sure you check the condition of all items received at time of delivery for obvious signs of damage, and bring any observations to the attention of our courier at time of delivery. Nonetheless, we offer you full refund or exchange on any item if for some reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, or have discovered a hidden defect not obvious at time of delivery. This also applies to items ordered in the incorrect size style or colour or to items whose image proved to be misleading compared to the actual physical item. To proceed with a return, or exchange, first contact one of our sales representatives on the numbers provided, or by email to to fix an appointment for pick-up from your preferred location. Please be aware that under normal circumstances, goods can only be returned if we receive your request to do so within 14 days from actual delivery. It is not essential for you to be in possession of proof of purchase, as we keep track of all the relevant information. Requests made after 14 days may not qualify for an exchange or refund and may incur an extra restocking fee.

Please make sure that the item you intend to return or change has not been opened, used, or otherwise tempered with and that it is still in its original packaging as when it was shipped to you. Goods being returned will be picked up by an authorized representative of on the day and time agreed between you and our sales representative. If for any reason, our representative finds discrepancies with the quality or state of the item to be returned, this will be brought to your attention prior to leaving your premises.

We cannot offer refunds or exchanges on food, treats or any edible items that are opened due to strict health policies. Please make your selections carefully, and double check your order before submitting.